September 5, 2022ZERO TRUST
Alone, with no one to trust.
When young Solomon witnesses a brutal murder, the boy runs for his life. A satchel full of cash gives him the means to exist but also makes him a target. His mama always said a ruthless man with a jagged ear planned to do them harm. Unaware of the satchel’s true value, Sol is alone and desperate to survive.
While a small band of robotics employees develop game-changing products, their design schematics show up for sale on the dark web. Suspecting it’s an inside job, the high-tech startup must apprehend the traitor before the loss cripples the company. Baxter Cruise hires half siblings, Maggie and Travis Fender, to investigate the devastating breach and expose the industrial spy. While Maggie works inside and undercover to identify the thief, Travis taps his talent and allies to scour the dark web for evidence.
Doggedly, the man with a jagged earlobe hunts for Solomon’s mother to bring her to justice. Now his trail leads to the dangerous shores of the Pacific Ocean, where everyone harbors a dark secret.
“non-stop action, gripping suspense”
Get your copy now and strap in for an exciting read!